“The Rainbow Curtain: LGBT Intolerance in Eastern Europe and Eurasia”
“Mexican Americans and the Question of Race: Discourses of Whiteness and Racial Otherness on the US Census”
Sponsor WGGP; Co-sponsors: Agricultural and Consumer Economics, Illinois Program in Law and Philosophy, Lemann Institute, Latina/Latino Studies, Sociology, and Social Work
Sarah Pfatteicher, “Universal Design for Disaster Management” October 14, 2013 4:00-5:00pm Location: 1310 Newmark Hall http://www.engr.wisc.edu/cee/faculty/pfatteicher_sarah.html
“Reconceiving Surrogacy: Toward a Reproductive Justice Account of Indian Surrogacy”
Sponsor WGGP and Department of Philosophy
Roger Thurow Film Preview followed by a panel discussion, “The Last Hunger Season: A Year in an African Community on the Brink of Change.” The panel discussion will include Thurow, the documentary filmmakers, film study faculty from Ithaca College and New York University, and a few members of the UIUC faculty. Tuesday, November 12th 3pm, Spurlock Auditorium
Co-sponsors: Anthropology; Center for Advanced Study; Center for African Studies; Civil & Environmental Engineering; College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences; College of Business; College of Liberal Arts & Sciences; European Union Center through a US Department of Education Title VI Grant; History; Human & Community Development; Illinois Program in Law and Philosophy; International Programs and Studies, Philosophy; School of Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics; School of Social Work; Sociology
Roger Thurow Event Poster (click for pdf version of poster)