Climate Change and Its Impact: Risks and Inequalities

I Hotel and Conference Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
March 10-11, 2016

Climate change is one of the most important and pressing global challenges for the international community. The premise of this workshop is that climate change adaptation and mitigation policy must be technically viable as well as socially and culturally acceptable, economically reasonable, environmentally sustainable, and ethically justifiable. Thus climate change policy should draw on the technical expertise of scientists, engineers, architects and urban planners; the legal, cultural, political, and economic expertise of social scientists and legal scholars; and the ethical expertise of philosophers and ethicists. Workshop participants come from these diverse disciplinary backgrounds.

The overarching goal for the workshop is to develop a better understanding of the ways that climate change is affecting society by altering weather patterns, modifying risks such as those from natural hazards, and exacerbating inequalities as well as creating new inequalities among individuals and communities around the world.

The workshop features a number of presentations from scholars and practitioners from diverse national and professional background.

Keynote Lecture:
“Climate Justice after Paris: opportunities, challenges, and priorities”
Hon. Mary Robinson, President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Mary Robinson Foundation-Climate Justice, former President of Ireland and former UN Special Envoy for Climate Change.


Program at a Glance 03-02-16 10.0

Full Program 03-02-16 5.0


All attendees need to register online.  There is no registration fee for UIUC students, faculty and staff. For non-UIUC attendees the workshop registration fee is $75 per person, which includes lunch March 10 and March 11 and workshop materials. Attendance at the Hon. Mary Robinson keynote is free for all attendees. All inquiries should be directed to Anita Kaiser (Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program) at

Online Registration form for UIUC attendees (no-charge)
Online Registration form for non-UIUC attendees ($75 per person)


We have a limited number of rooms available for purchase at the I Hotel and Conference Center at the rate of $119/night.

Event Name:            Climate Change Conference
Block Code:             CLC16
Event Start Date:     3/9/16
Event End Date:      3/12/16 (Workshop will conclude by 4pm on 3/11)
Cutoff Date:           2/16/16   

To make own reservation using the following URL or by calling 217-819-5000

Workshop Organizers

Prof. Paolo Gardoni
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
MAE Center: Creating a Multi-hazard Approach to Engineering

Prof. Colleen Murphy
College of Law and Department of Philosophy
Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program

Prof. Robert McKim
Departments of Religion and Philosophy

Prof. Don Wuebbles
Department of Atmospheric Sciences

Prof. Praveen Kumar
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Workshop Sponsors

This workshop has been made possible through grants from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) – Research Thrust Development Program, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Conference Support Program, and the Illinois International Conference Grant Program.

The Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program (WGGP) and College of Law are providing additional support.

Keynote Lecture Co-Sponsors
Office of the Chancellor
Office of the Provost
Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research

Colleges and Schools
College of Business
College of Law
Illinois International
School of Social Work

Civil and Environmental Engineering – Distinguished Speakers Fund
Geography & Geographic Information Science
Landscape Architecture
Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES)
Political Science

Centers, Institutes, and Programs
Arms Control, Domestic and International Security Program
CEE Societal Risk Management (SRM) Program
Center for Advanced Study
Center for African Studies*
Center for Business and Public Policy
Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies (CEAPS)
Center for Global Studies (CGS)*
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)
European Union Center (EUC)*
Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities
Illinois Program in Law and Philosophy
Lemann Institute for Brazilian Studies
MAE Center: Creating a Multi-hazard Approach to Engineering
Prairie Research Institute
Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center (REEEC)
Women & Gender in Global Perspectives (WGGP)

Foundations and Initiatives
ACDIS Focal Point on Climate Change “Climate Action Policies and International Policy Negotiations.”
Inequality Initiative
Land Conservation Foundation
Scholarship of Sustainability Series
Social Dimensions of Environmental Policy

* support through US Department of Education (DOE) Title VI grant